As the national health care environment continues to evolve, philanthropy is becoming a more important source of funding for the hospital. While St. Anthony Hospital has other sources of income, including insurance reimbursements and investment income, charitable gifts from the community are becoming much more important. Your tax-deductible gift will go far to help provide compassionate, curative, and spiritual care.

CHI St. Anthony Hospital Foundation
The mission of the CHI St. Anthony Hospital Foundation is to build lifelong relationships with community members and to raise funds for the preservation and expansion of health care services at St. Anthony Hospital.
We support several programs and services that directly benefit our community. Through your gifts and support of special events such as our annual Festival of Trees, the St. Anthony Hospital Foundation continues to provide needed assistance to hospital patients and their families.

2024 Festival of Trees
The 2024 Festival of Trees Gala and Family Day was a great success! Thank you to all of our supporters and we look forward to seeing you next year.
St. Anthony Hospital Foundation supports several programs and services that directly benefit our community. Through your gifts and support of special events such as our annual Festival of Trees, the St. Anthony Hospital Foundation continues to provide needed assistance to hospital patients and their families.
Of course. You may direct your gift to a specific fund or program. The St. Anthony Hospital Foundation supports several programs and services that require continual support.
You can remember someone special by including a note or letter with your gift indicating who you would like to honor. Please include the names and addresses of anyone to whom you would like us to send an acknowledgement. Send your gift and request to:
St. Anthony Hospital Foundation
2801 St. Anthony Way
Pendleton, OR 97801
You may also donate online. We will mail you an acknowledgment that your gift was received.
The St. Anthony Hospital Foundation staff has expertise in a range of charitible gift options. Whether you choose to give a certain cash amount or prefer to give a percentage of an asset that you hold, our staff will work closely with you, your loved ones, and your advisors to develop the most appropriate plan.
CHI St. Anthony Hospital Foundation
2801 St. Anthony Way
Pendleton, Oregon 97801