Patient Portal
Our patient portal gives you online access to your medical record. You can view test results, visit summaries, discharge information, and other key information. Choose the hospital portal for patients who had services performed at the hospital, including emergency room, inpatient stays, and diagnostic imaging. Choose the clinic portal for services performed at the physician clinics, including the family clinic, women's clinic, urology, and surgical clinic.
Please click on any of the below for portal access
Access your data through a health app
You can use another application to access your health information, if you prefer. To do so, you will need to first set up a patient portal account. The username and password you choose will be the security component for your health information and make it possible for you to access and import it.
Currently available for use at St. Anthony Hospital:
- MyLinks app: www.mylinks.com
- MHealth app: Download from Google Play or Apple App stores on Apple iOS (min version 10) or Android (min version 5)
As other applications become available, we will list them here.
Please note: Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) reserves the right to disable a third-party application, if needed. That application’s terms of use will apply and CHI will not have the control or ability to secure the data you place within that system.